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Thursday 3 February 2011


The studio images were really awesome, the boys recreated some famous poses that we had all found from band albums or other photography. However we incorporated some modern styling and some modern poses to give it a 21st century look.
As we discussed in the studio, we are going to go out to Liverpool and use women models on location however style the models as men and go for the androgynous look, to reflect our chosen appropriation.

I thought it would be a good idea to use the Images that amy has took on location in Liverpool in the background of the studio shots, this is showing our inspiration of appropriating the type of art form on the Sgt Pepper Album which is Montage.
A montage is a collection of images (of any description wether it be photography, a sign post, a trademark...) that are constructed in a collage fashion (randomly pasted up) and can an effective way of showing numerous images to the audience that connote the artists message or statement.

Here are some examples of Montage:
They can be personal such as this wedding montage

or they can be graphic, this one if from total film, and is a compilation of films

They can be really clinical in style like this one of libraries made on Google-a-montage:

The Sgt Pepper album is our main inspiration, and our focus of appropriation
I find it fascinating how Mr Peter Blake got from this photo-shoot with the cut out cardboard figures to the dynamic and iconic front cover of the Sgt Pepper album.
The colouring of the album is so tacky it wouldn't really fit in todays society because its such a mish-mash of palettes and has no structure. However I love it! and Im sure the entire group loves it so....

Maybe we could construct a modern montage, with photography of the studio, on location and even Amy's Liverpool images as a possible final image?

T x


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